Thursday, February 25, 2010

response to deep waters

I have not been responding to or commenting on the chapters I've been lately posting--I didn't have much of a reaction to the tip-over section--mostly "Jesus, that must have sucked." And recalling him listing, jaw clenched, eyes focused, from side to side, in his chair as he followed me around the lawn and gardens on my land in Ohio as I proudly pointed out this flower bed and that fruit tree--what an adventuruous, precarious vantage point.

This last section--I feel that I really need to say something about, if only because the sweetness with the 'vow to my Dearest'.--I am melted and ache and think of his final act--and exactly what that might have been, or his final thought. I do believe my Dad passed away in peace, that he ceased struggling and could do that with impunity as a result of having lived so ruggedly and honestly. His father died that way, having taken care of all the loose ends, quietly, and with dignity. My dad said, repeatedly, that's the way he wanted to go--and he did, as opposed to 'Not to Be'---which is almost impossible for me to imagine, and thank-the-fates for hitchhiking angels.

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